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[릿코드 1599] Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel (파이썬/python)




Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel - LeetCode

Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel - You are the operator of a Centennial Wheel that has four gondolas, and each gondola has room for up to four people. You have the ability to rotate the gondolas counterclockwise, which costs you runningCost d



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첫번째로 구현한 코드

from typing import List

class Solution:
    def minOperationsMaxProfit(self, customers: List[int], boardingCost: int, runningCost: int) -> int:
        max_profit = 0
        rotations = 0

        total_customer = 0
        total_rotations = 0
        wait = 0

        for customer in customers:
            play = 0

            if customer > 4:
                wait += customer - 4
                play = 4

            elif customer < 4:
                play = customer
                if wait != 0:
                    play += wait

                    if play > 4:
                        wait -= (4 - customer)
                        play = 4
                        wait = 0

                play = 4
            # 곤돌라 탑승
            total_customer += play
            total_rotations += 1

            if max_profit < ((total_customer * boardingCost) - (total_rotations * runningCost)):
                max_profit = ((total_customer * boardingCost) - (total_rotations * runningCost))
                rotations = total_rotations

        # 대기 손님이 있을 경우 계속 곤돌라 탑승
        while wait > 0:
            play = 0
            if wait >= 4:
                play = 4
                wait -= 4
                play = wait
                wait = 0
            # 곤돌라 탑승
            total_customer += play
            total_rotations += 1

            if max_profit < ((total_customer * boardingCost) - (total_rotations * runningCost)):
                max_profit = ((total_customer * boardingCost) - (total_rotations * runningCost))
                rotations = total_rotations

        if max_profit == 0:
            return -1

        return rotations



추가공부로 수정해본 코드

from typing import List

class Solution:
    def minOperationsMaxProfit(self, customers: List[int], boardingCost: int, runningCost: int) -> int:
        max_profit = 0
        rotations = -1

        current_profit = 0
        wait = 0

        rotates = 0

        while wait or rotates < len(customers):
            # 일단 wait 목록에 넣어준다.
            if rotates < len(customers):
                wait += customers[rotates]
            rotates += 1
            # 이미 고객을 wait 에 넣었기 때문에 wait 인수와 4 중에 최소값 만이 현재 탈 수 있는 최대의 고객수 이다.
            boarding = min(wait, 4)
            wait -= boarding

            current_profit += boarding * boardingCost - runningCost

            if max_profit < current_profit:
                max_profit = current_profit
                rotations = rotates

        return rotations