코드 중심의 개발자 채용. 스택 기반의 포지션 매칭. 프로그래머스의 개발자 맞춤형 프로필을 등록하고, 나와 기술 궁합이 잘 맞는 기업들을 매칭 받으세요.
MERGE 를 다루는게 조금 까다로웠다.
사실 표의 최대 사이즈가 50 * 50 밖에 안돼서 조금 로우하게 코드를 써도 됐을것 같은데
이래저래 생각이 많았다.
서로 병합도된 노드 라는것을 어떻게 표시를 할까를 고민했는데
아래 코드는 시간초과가 나는 코드..
1. 풀이에 실패한코드(실패)
def solution(commands):
answer = []
excel_list = [[None for i in range(51)] for j in range(51)]
merge_list = [[[[j, i]] for i in range(51)] for j in range(51)]
for command in commands:
command_list = command.split(" ")
if command_list[0] == UPDATE and len(command_list) == 4:
r, c, value = command_list[1:]
for target in merge_list[int(r)][int(c)]:
excel_list[target[0]][target[1]] = value
elif command_list[0] == UPDATE:
v1, v2 = command_list[1:]
for i in range(len(excel_list)):
for j in range(len(excel_list[0])):
if excel_list[i][j] == v1:
excel_list[i][j] = v2
elif command_list[0] == MERGE:
r1, c1, r2, c2 = command_list[1:]
if merge_list[int(r1)][int(c1)] in [int(r2), int(c2)]:
target_value_i = int(r1) if excel_list[int(r1)][int(c1)] else int(r2)
target_value_j = int(c1) if excel_list[int(r1)][int(c1)] else int(c2)
first_list = merge_list[int(r1)][int(c1)][:]
second_list = merge_list[int(r2)][int(c2)][:]
for target in first_list:
merge_list[target[0]][target[1]] += second_list[:]
excel_list[target[0]][target[1]] = excel_list[target_value_i][target_value_j]
for target in second_list:
merge_list[target[0]][target[1]] += first_list[:]
excel_list[target[0]][target[1]] = excel_list[target_value_i][target_value_j]
elif command_list[0] == UNMERGE:
r, c = command_list[1:]
target_list = merge_list[int(r)][int(c)][:]
for target in target_list:
merge_list[target[0]][target[1]] = [[target[0], target[1]]]
if target[0] != int(r) or target[1] != int(c):
excel_list[target[0]][target[1]] = None
elif command_list[0] == PRINT:
r, c = command_list[1:]
if not excel_list[int(r)][int(c)]:
return answer
2. 유니온파인드를 사용해서 푼 코드(성공)
def find(r: int, c: int) -> list:
if parent[r][c] != [r, c]:
next_r, next_c = parent[r][c]
parent[r][c] = find(next_r, next_c)
return parent[r][c]
def update1(r: int, c: int, value: str) -> None:
root = find(r, c)
for i in range(51):
for j in range(51):
if find(i, j) == root:
excel_list[i][j] = value
def update2(v1: str, v2: str) -> None:
for i in range(51):
for j in range(51):
if excel_list[i][j] == v1:
excel_list[i][j] = v2
def merge(r1: int, c1: int, r2: int, c2: int) -> None:
r1, c1 = find(r1, c1)
r2, c2 = find(r2, c2)
if [r1, c1] == [r2, c2]:
parent[r2][c2] = [r1, c1]
value = excel_list[r1][c1] if excel_list[r1][c1] else excel_list[r2][c2]
update1(r1, c1, value)
def un_merge(r: int, c: int) -> None:
root = find(r, c)
value = excel_list[root[0]][root[1]]
un_merged_list = []
for i in range(51):
for j in range(51):
if find(i, j) == root:
un_merged_list.append([i, j])
for un_merged in un_merged_list:
un_r, un_c = un_merged
parent[un_r][un_c] = [un_r, un_c]
excel_list[un_r][un_c] = None
excel_list[r][c] = value
def printer(r: int, c: int):
answer.append(excel_list[r][c] if excel_list[r][c] else "EMPTY")
def solution(commands):
global parent
global excel_list
global answer
answer = []
excel_list = [[None for i in range(51)] for j in range(51)]
parent = [[[r, c] for c in range(51)] for r in range(51)]
for command in commands:
# print("11111")
# for i in excel_list:
# print(i)
command = command.split(" ")
cmd, value = command[0], command[1:]
if cmd == UPDATE and len(value) == 3:
update1(int(value[0]), int(value[1]), value[2])
elif cmd == UPDATE:
update2(value[0], value[1])
elif cmd == MERGE:
r1, c1, r2, c2 = map(int, value)
merge(r1, c1, r2, c2)
elif cmd == UNMERGE:
r, c = map(int, value)
un_merge(r, c)
elif cmd == PRINT:
r, c = map(int, value)
printer(r, c)
return answer
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